Ultimate 3d-Changing how we price lower quantity part runs!
At Ultimate 3D we excel at large production runs. As a result, we compete with injection molding prices when you amortize the tooling into the mix.
We have come to realize that our pricing structure is inhibitive to the onesie, twosie quantities. Hence, we have restructured how we price your parts.
That said, if you have sent us parts to quote for small quantity runs and prototypes and found our price to be slightly too high, give us another shot at your projects!
With 1 week or less lead times, you have your parts in hand very fast. Put us to the test and see why we are an industry leader when it comes to customer service and competitive pricing.
Email us your files, tell us how many parts you want pricing for and which material you prefer. Include your contact info so we can give you a call to discuss how we can best serve your project needs!
Giving you something to Dance about!
Our mission is to provide 3D printing customers with extraordinary products and services from a team that loves doing their job. We want people to be excited about 3D printing with us.
Rapid Prototyping: Once your CAD file is ready, we will usually print your parts in 1 week or less.
(Higher volume orders may require extra time).
We specialize in high quantity production parts and are very competitive with injection molding on lower volumes. Consequently, it is possible to make thousands a part faster and lower priced than injection molding.
We print parts that are impossible to injection mold.
We gladly review all models for printability and cost effectiveness and give constructive feedback for your benefit.
Ultimate 3D Has Expanded
Our New Prodways P4000X printer has arrived and is up and running!
What does this mean for you? It means we can print twice as many parts keeping
our outstanding lead-time to 1 week or less.
From the beginning we have situated ourselves to be your number one supplier of 3D Printed parts, this is our way of staying at the top of your supplier list.
Our mission is to provide 3D printing customers with extraordinary products and services from a team that loves doing their job. We want people to be excited about 3D printing with us.
It is called “rapid prototyping” for a good reason. If you have your Cad file ready, we will usually print your parts within three to four days – faster if necessary.
(Higher volume orders may require extra time).
We specialize in high quantity production parts and are very competitive with injection molding on lower volumes. We can make thousands of one part and are faster and lower priced than injection molding when you amortize the cost of tooling into the part cost in many cases.
We can print parts that cannot be injection molded, due to under cuts, hollows, holes on an angle, complex geometries.
We gladly review all models for printability and cost effectiveness and give constructive feedback for your benefit.
Do you create CAD models?
While we have extensive experience and understand CAD, it is not the focus of our business. However, if you have the need for design work, several of our customers are also designers that we recommend for such services. If you have a model you need someone to look over to make sure it’s fit for printing, we can definitely do that and make suggestions when needed.
Can you print in color?
We don’t print with colored materials, but we can dye the finished products a variety of colors. We can also paint parts and apply hydrographic patterns.
What materials do you use?
Our standard material is Nylon 12, with composite variations.
Nylon 12 (durable white plastic)
Glass-filled nylon
Carbon fiber-filled nylon
Fire retardant nylon
Alumide (Aluminum filled Nylon)
* For more detailed information about our materials, check out the data sheets on our website – ult3d.hookdm.net
If you have a project that requires 3D Printing give us a call at 503-848-8227 we will gladly discuss the options for your project. Pricing will be determined after evaluation of each project. Prior to calling, email your models to quotes@ult3d.hookdm.net so we can look at them while we talk!
We are a friendly bunch and genuinely want to help!
Address: 5575 SE Alexander St, Hillsboro, OR 97123 (click to map it)

Ultimate 3D Open House
A little over a year ago we became Ultimate 3D LLC, in celebration we want to throw a party and you are invited!
Please RSVP at info@ult3d.hookdm.net so we know how many to plan for.
Many have already committed, but we don"t want anyone left out! We will have locally grown grass fed hamburger and all the fixin"s and a tour of the facility!
Meet the crew: Robin and Patty, Tom and Tammy, Mike and Julie.
Our Mascot online casino will be here too!
Here are the details!
Everyone is welcome to show up anytime after 11:30 with lunch provided at noon. You will see where and how your parts are created, we may even have a build scheduled to change out during that time so you can see what a fun mess this process is.
For those that ride and want to explore some really cool and obscure roads west of Portland, Robin, Mike & Tom will lead a 2-3 hour ride. We will leave the shop at 8:30 am returning between 11:00 - 11:30. So be here at by 8:00 or soon after so we can go over some of the particulars of the ride.
What to bring: your appetite and questions and if you ride, bring your motorcycle.
Please RSVP info@ult3d.hookdm.net so we know how many to prepare for and let us know if you plan to be here for the ride.
Address: 5575 SE Alexander St, Hillsboro, OR 97123 (click to map it)
If you have a project that requires 3D Printing or if you are not sure if your project can be 3D printed, give us a call 503-848-8227 we will gladly discuss your project and help point you in the right direction. Prior to calling email your models to quote@ult3d.hookdm.net so we can look at them while we talk!
We are friendly and genuinely want to help!
Kickstarter Fuels 3D Printing Innovation
If you’re someone who keeps your eye on Kickstarter projects, you’ve probably noticed that people are constantly innovating in the 3D printing industry, especially on the consumer level. We’re excited to live in a world where people support each other’s ideas and help bring them to life, and one place this happens every day is Kickstarter.
Over the past few years, we’ve seen designers working to improve the home 3D printer on a variety of levels—on price, aesthetic, and material uses. Many people who work in design fields have found that common consumer-grade printers just don’t cut it when they want to make professional-looking 3D prototypes.
While even the nicest of the smaller extruder-style printers are rough compared to professional-grade 3D printers, there are noticeable aesthetic differences among consumer machines when it comes to precision and “resolution,” or how noticeable the layer lines are. As consumer technology evolves, designers are able to print better products at home and in their workspaces, which makes it a lot more fun.
People have been experimenting with some pretty cool features! Take the FLUX All-in-One 3D Printer, created in San Francisco, California. The unique printer was successfully funded last December, raising about 10 times more than its goal. This FDM printer makes a better finished part than most of its consumer predecessors and also does 3D scanning and laser engraving. Props for mixing it up, and with a sleek design to boot.
The Peachy Printer, funded in 2013, also received more than ten times its funding goal as the world’s first 3D printer for $100, small enough to hold in one hand. This little guy, designed by an innovator in Saskatchewan, Canada got a lot of press! While it’s capabilities are naturally limited by its caliber, it’s a great example of what innovators can do when they think outside the box to make 3D printing accessible to the masses, even if only for the sake of having fun with the technology.
Kickstarter is loaded with other innovations in the 3D printing sphere, not just 3D printers. Hopeful creators are seeking crowd funding for all sorts of 3D projects, including eco-friendly filament for FDM printers, electrically conductive PLA filament, online marketplaces for 3D files, and plug-and-play 3D printing devices that address many of the issues beginning designers face.
What about you? How would you change or improve the 3D printing industry? What are some of your favorite 3D printing innovations?
Feel free to let us know in the comments!