Hydrographic Print Finishes
The Team at Ultimate 3 D are now offering Hydrographic Print Finishes!
If you have a project that requires a custom finish we now offer hydrographic prints from TWN Industries.
We have taken on the task to learn and implement this discipline into our mix of finishes which include:
Dyeing parts – Black, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple and fucsia.
Painting parts – most any color available at a quality paint store.
Among the many Hydrographic prints available, Carbon Fiber is the most requested, first we dye the part black, then take the part thru the “dipping” process to adhere the Carbon pattern to the part. Once dry the part is coated with either a Matte Clear or a Gloss Clear, your choice. Our opinion is that the matte clear gives the most Carbon Fiber like look.
Below are a few of the patterns available from TWN Industries.
For a more exhaustive list please visit http://www.watertransferprinting.com/film-gallery .
<img class="alignnone size-full online casino wp-image-455" src="https://ult3d.hookdm.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/WTP-836-Kryptek-Banshee-Reduced.jpg" alt="WTP-836-Kryptek-Banshee-Reduced" width="800" height="800" />
A Couple Of Quadcopter Parts Before And After:
A Prosthetic Finger with 527-Cork pattern applied.
Pricing will depend and the size of the part and the complexity of the shape. The minimum per part will be $50 and going up from there after evaluating the project.
Visit the TWN gallery: http://www.watertransferprinting.com/film-gallery , tell us which pattern you desire when you submit your model for a 3D Print quotation, we will quote your part with and without the pattern,
There are few companies that offer this service and we are proud to be counted amongst the few and to stand out not just for our excellent 3D printing capabilities, but also for our unique finishing abilities!
Submit quotes to info@ult3d.hookdm.net then give us a call, we will be happy to discuss your project with you!