Ultimate 3D now offers TPE Material in SLS

Thermoplastic Elastomers (TPEs) and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D printing can be a powerful combination, offering several benefits. Here's an outline of the advantages of using TPE with SLS 3D printing:

  1. Material Flexibility:
    • TPEs are known for their flexibility and elasticity, making them suitable for applications that require rubber-like properties.
    • SLS 3D printing allows for the creation of intricate and complex geometries, enhancing the design flexibility of TPE-based parts.
  2. Durable and Tough Parts:
    • TPE materials exhibit excellent toughness and durability, providing resilience against impact and wear.
    • SLS produces strong and durable parts by sintering successive layers of powder, ensuring that TPE-based components maintain their mechanical properties.
  3. Complex Geometries:
    • SLS is capable of producing complex and intricate designs without the need for support structures, enabling the fabrication of TPE parts with intricate features.
  4. Prototyping and Low-Volume Production:
    • TPEs are suitable for prototyping due to their flexibility and ease of iteration in design.
    • SLS is well-suited for low-volume production runs, making it cost-effective for small batches of TPE parts.
  5. Customization and Personalization:
    • TPE materials can be tailored to specific hardness levels, allowing for the customization of the mechanical properties of printed parts.
    • SLS enables the production of customized and personalized parts, making it ideal for applications where individualized solutions are required.
  6. Reduced Tooling Costs:
    • Unlike traditional manufacturing methods that often require expensive molds and tooling, SLS 3D printing eliminates the need for such tools, reducing upfront costs.
    • TPEs in SLS can be used without the need for additional processing steps, further streamlining the production process.
  1. Material Efficiency:
    • SLS is an additive manufacturing process that generates minimal waste as unused powder can be recycled.
    • TPE powders used in SLS can be efficiently utilized, contributing to a more sustainable and cost-effective manufacturing process.
  2. Time Efficiency:
    • SLS 3D printing is a relatively fast process, allowing for the rapid production of TPE parts.
    • The layer-by-layer additive nature of SLS eliminates the need for traditional tooling, reducing lead times compared to traditional manufacturing methods.
  3. Applications in Various Industries:
    • The combination of TPEs and SLS opens up possibilities for applications in industries such as automotive, consumer goods, medical devices, and more, where flexible and durable components are required.

By leveraging the benefits of TPEs with SLS 3D printing, manufacturers can produce functional and customized parts with enhanced design freedom and cost-effectiveness.

To learn more about how TPE can best suit your needs call us (503)-848-8227, or email us at info@ult3d.hookdm.net. We are happy to discuss and explore how the SLS process can best meet your needs with TPE’s exceptional flexibility.


Why Choose SLS?


UL 94 / V-0 SLS Material for your projects!